The 50th Reunion

May 1-2, 2009 Okay, all you fence sitters! It's time to get your stuff in the mail. You are going to miss out! DO IT NOW! SCHEDULE BELOW! Bring your cameras, your old photo albums and your best memories! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! -------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dan Miller 1941-2009

Dan Miller has sent his bio and photos for the Reunion Memory book. He will be included, but he will not be with us. He has contributed to the memories of the class across the years in notes to the committee and comments about Augusta on his own blog.

Danny died last night here in his hometown. We will miss him.

This link will take you to his home station
More videos and clips about Dan Miller from WSM.

I will put up more info later today.


On March 9, 2009, I posted an entry here about the Reunion questionnaire along with suggestions of how you might use the forms to send us information about yourself I suggested that you "think of what you would like to read about your old friends. Then tell us that same thing about yourself;. . . " Then I used a photo of Danny Miller reading to his daughter's third grade class. As I thought about what to write about Danny today, I decided to let you read his own words. This is how he answered those questions for our Class of 1959 Fiftieth Reunion.

---What has been your main focus (career, family, hobbies/collections) for the past fifty years?....Broadcasting. It's the only thing I've worked in all these years. In fact, in 1961 I decided to take -- what I thought would be -- a one quarter sabbatical from Augusta College to earn a little extra money editing film full-time at WJBF. Here we are 48 years later and I still haven't gone back to class, but I might yet!

---What would surprise us most about what you have been doing, are interested in or have become?....
The most surprising thing for me, by far, was becoming a father again at age 57, after my first three were already grown. It was frightening to me, but has truly become the most wonderful thing I can imagine in life.

---What surprises you most about your reaction to having grandchildren? That's easy... My biggest surprise about being a grandfather is... I'M A GRANDFATHER!!! Isn't that something really old people do?

---What has it taken you 50 years to learn?... That 50 years can pass in no time at all.

---How or why would you most like to be remembered?... Oh, I suppose as a kind person who came up with a few good ideas, and became a friend to some really fascinating people, even some of my childhood heroes, along the way.

--—What is your favorite memory or what one thing would you change about your high school years?... I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe try not to be such a dork.

---What is the best thing about retirement?! ... I have no idea. Maybe I'll be able to answer that someday way down the road. Remember, I have a 10-year old daughter.

The photo is of Dan Miller with his friend former anchor, Jim Davis. Danny sent it for our book. It was taken at Sacred Heart Cultural Center while Dan was here for the 59th Anniversary Celebration of the premier of "The Three Faces of Eve" at the Miller Theater. I sent him the link to the article about the event.



Anonymous said...

I am heart broken to hear that Danny has died. I was looking forward to seeing him again and laughing about old times. ARC, dates,double dating, MYF at St. James Methodist church......he always came with Millard Beckum..........we had a wonderful youth group.......I know Danny was saved and is now where I dream of going one day. My sympathy to his wife and daughter.Donna Andrews Pittman

Anonymous said...

Donna, You are not the only one who will miss him. Life is fleeting at any age, but especially so at ours. Danny never lost his interest, love and concern for his hometown and those who grew up with him. He was respected by those in the broadcast industry across the nation and loved by those who knew him.

Anonymous said...

My name being Love and his Miller, Danny always sat behind me in our classes together. I am very sad to hear of his demise.

Betty Love

Anonymous said...

What sad news about Danny Miller. I was really hoping to see him and continue a conversation we had at our 20th reunion. He seemed miffed that as class valedictorian, I was not in the astronaut program, had not been awarded a Pulitzer Prize, and was not the US Ambassador to the UN or the anchor woman for Nightly News. I was looking forward to seeing Danny and continuing "The Rest of The Story."

Lydia Wammock Ramsey

Anonymous said...

I returned home from Nashville last night. Danny's funeral service was a wonderful celebration of his life...tender tears and much laughter. He would have loved every minute of it!

His sister,
Sara Miller Harper
(Class of 56)

Annette Bush said...

Dear Sara,
Thanks for writing. Danny has been our "celebrity" and he never forgot that he was one of us. He went to this blog almost daily to keep up with what we were doing and how reunion plans were going. Won't we all miss his spirit of joy.