The 50th Reunion

May 1-2, 2009 Okay, all you fence sitters! It's time to get your stuff in the mail. You are going to miss out! DO IT NOW! SCHEDULE BELOW! Bring your cameras, your old photo albums and your best memories! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! -------------------------------------------------------

Friday, June 22, 2007

On Track to the Fiftieth!

Last night a few members of the planning committee for our fiftieth reunion met in Butch (Alvia) Murdoch's workshop. It's a fascinating place where it's difficult to tell if he is a wood worker, an auto restorer, an antique buff, a collector of fireman memorabilia . . . . but that's another story.

After exploring the workshop and eating hotdogs cooked by Butch and Jackie with other goodies by everyone else, the group settled down to discuss what needs to be done to get ready for the reunion in 2009. The dynamics in the group were interesting to watch as everyone felt their way through the events of the 45th and analyzed stuff to keep and stuff to change.

Since Don Patterson has stepped down, Harry Pund agreed to join Butch as co-chairman.

In the end, it was decided to get input from class members through a survey in the next newsletter to see what everyone would like to do.

Don will put this together, but it will include questions such as:
When it should be --
Spring, summer, fall.

What it should be --
A stand alone event or on the weekend of the Lost in the Fifties Barbecue.
Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night or just one event.
Casual, formal, in between or both.

Where it should be --
Julian Smith Casino, Old Government House, Old Richmond Hotel, The Boathouse, Savannah Rapids Pavilion, and assorted Country Clubs.

I suspect some decisions will have to be made on what is available and how many others come to join the committee to do some of the work.

Frank Stafford will work with Janice Johnson Dixon to explore locations and will make some recommendations based on rental and other costs, catering requirements and best type of event for the venue.

There is a lot of work ahead, but the group seems up to the challenge. I also spotted these folks around the tables --

Judy Little Murphey
Charles and Judy Hunnicutt Johnson
Eddie Glover Tanner
Mike and Jane Bass Moxley
Judy Kent Huff
Janice Keel Helton
and the spouses --
Jackie Murdoch
Robert Murphey
Norma Patterson
Dianne Pund
Robert Dixon

We're on Track to A Great Celebration!!
Facelifts, diets, hair plugs and new wardrobes.
There's so little time and lots to do!

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